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Extra fine ground touch-up pigment colors used for spot color replacement on all types of furniture, cabinets, plastics, leather, vinyl and in hundreds of other finishing applications. Best results are obtained when applied with Lacover Padding Finish. Mohawk Blendal Powder Stain is compatible with various other padding agents, “French Polish,” lacquer, shellac, varnish, synthetic finishes and Graining Liquid. Apply with a “padding pad” or brush. Sold by volume measure. 

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In stock, 2 units

Mohawk Blendal Powder Stain

Mohawk Blendal Powder Stain

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SKU: SKU: M370-01431

Regular price $15.34
Regular price $17.04 Sale price $15.34
Active stock item in main warehouse.
Item should be readily available within quantity shown. If needing more quantity, the item will typically ship within 10-15 business days . (Minimum order quantity: 1)


Extra fine ground touch-up pigment colors used for spot color replacement on all types of furniture, cabinets, plastics, leather, vinyl and in hundreds of other finishing applications. Best results are obtained when applied with Lacover Padding Finish. Mohawk Blendal Powder Stain is compatible with various other padding agents, “French Polish,” lacquer, shellac, varnish, synthetic finishes and Graining Liquid. Apply with a “padding pad” or brush. Sold by volume measure. 

You might also like the Mohawk Blendal Sticks.

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